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Daughter of Creation

Daughter of Creation

By Aelah Sophia

Aelah Sophia has a passion for creation and helping people connect with their hearts as part of their awakening. She is an advocate for sovereignty of the soul - "Knowing that you are the divinity you seek." The Daughter of Creation podcast is where she shares tools for being a creator, self-initiations, living whole-heartedly, emotional and ancestral healing, land and soul sovereignty, the divine feminine and social change.
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Igniting Sovereignty - Temple of the Heart Meditations

Daughter of CreationOct 08, 2020

A Message of Love to the Lightseeds of the New Earth

A Message of Love to the Lightseeds of the New Earth

A love message to the light seeds of the New Earth:

We have chosen an incredible time to incarnate here on Gaia Sophia. The light we share in this lifetime will impact many generations to come. We are shaping this Golden Age that is now upon us.

If you are here on earth at this time, know that you have been invited here. You are a beloved child and there is a place for you.

Gaia reminds us that the earth is her body. She exists outside of the human made matrixes of countries, land ownership, and the thought forms that are placed upon her by human collectives.

You too exist outside of these collectives. Your body is your own. You are your own.

We are living bodies of consciousness.

When we love beyond the dividing lines that create separation in our world, we re-join our state of unity with all.

We are birthing a new golden age of innocence together.

You are part of it.

Shine Brightly.

A message to us all to remember who we really are. I originally created this meditation from a spark of inspiration for our younger generation. I have been feeling so much love and appreciation for all that they are bringing to the planet right now. This is also a message for all of us to remember our innocence and why we came here to Planet Earth at this time. I created it as a visual meditation originally on video and am posting the audio version here, if you'd like to see the visuals and video I created to accompany this message, you can find it here:

Share it with a young person you know. 

Many thanks to the incredible Lotus Sky for her song, "Bloom" in the background.  You can find her music and more at 

Aug 24, 202106:00
Resetting Your Emotions: BOOK CLUB

Resetting Your Emotions: BOOK CLUB

I'm so excited for you to experience the brilliance that is Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, MD, DC, L.Ac.,Ph.D. in her book, "Resetting Your Emotions". In this episode I share some of my own incredible breakthroughs with her work to eliminate all allergies and sensitivities - even allergies to emotional states.  As well as sharing how she brought together both Eastern Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine to pioneer this groundbreaking  model of the nervous system. Her work is incredibly enlightening and might just shift the way that you understand yourself and the world at a core level. It's particularly helpful for healing practitioners and meditators to add an extra layer of understanding to your practice, and possibly even a new tool for your tool shed.  

Dec 15, 202020:14
Igniting Sovereignty - Temple of the Heart Meditations

Igniting Sovereignty - Temple of the Heart Meditations

I am back on the Daughter of Creation Podcast with an episode called, Ignititng Your Sovereignty!

In this episode I share some personal updates as well as introducing a new community that has come together powerfully during this COVID time called Temple of the Heart.

This Podcast is part of a series that's all about knowing your sovereign soul frequency and having the courage to be your truth and act in the world from your true soul power. An incredible topic that is extremely relevant right now.

I speak with fellow co-creator Christine Pensa at Temple of the Heart about Sovereignty. The conversation is meant to get your juices flowing about your own sovereignty, what it is to you, and might even help you take a look at some places where you may be giving your power away. It's incredibly juicy and enlightening :) and was a lot of fun!

We follow the conversation with two beautiful guided meditations from Sharon Josef and Lisa Pradillo, two other co-creators in the Temple. These will help you create and know the heartspace of your own inner temple, as well as how to connect with the unconditional love for yourself by remembering the innocence of yourself as a child.

Each of these sisters is a beautiful creator, and I am so excited for you to experience your own Temple of the Heart through their wise guidance.

Gathering the Community Live...

Our Live ZOOM gathering for the Ignite Your Sovereignty series starts tomorrow, this podcast is a great warm-up for getting you into your own Temple of the Heart space before we gather together on Friday.

If you'd like to join us for the Live Ignite Your Sovereignty Gathering please register here:

With love,


Oct 08, 202048:03
A New Kind of Priestess, with Sarah Drew
Feb 27, 202042:52
Celtic Spirituality, Dispelling the New Age Myth of “Love & Light,” with Matthew McRoberts

Celtic Spirituality, Dispelling the New Age Myth of “Love & Light,” with Matthew McRoberts

This podcast episode is a  delightful conversation I had with a Celtic Druid named Matthew McRoberts here in Boulder, Colorado.

About Matthew...

Matthew comes from Ireland and is ordained as both a Celtic Pagan and Celtic Christian priest, as well as in the Grail Bloodline tradition. He is a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom about Celtic spirituality. We shared a lovely recorded conversation together in his flat and then we met up with my partner for a tea ceremony downtown Boulder.

It’s my first recorded conversation live from the road, something I’ve been planning to do since we started our RV trip. I’m looking forward to bringing you more of these conversations from incredible people I meet along the path.

An Experience of Celtic Spirituality...

Matthew shares some of the tenets of Celtic Spirituality and how closely they are related to Hindu and American Indian pantheons.

He illuminates a few Celtic legends and Bible stories, like the Prodigal Son, interpreting them from a Sophionic (feminine/wisdom) perspective rather than the traditional Soteriological perspective (salvation based). He also shares some of own incredible story being born in Northern Ireland as part of the warrior culture there.

The Legend of the Morigan...

I initially called Matthew because I’d been having visions of The Morigan, the dark priestess of Celtic Spirituality who is often depicted with a crow. I reached out to him because he runs a Celtic Christian and Pagan ministry here in Boulder and he mentioned the Morigan in his opening description.  In the podcast he shares the origin story of the Morigan sisters and the significance her archetype can have for our journey into the darkness within.

For Access to the Ancestral Healing offer, or to check out Matthew's ministry page:

Matthew’s Coffee Table Books:

  • Echoes of Memory, John O’Donohue
  • Anam Cara, The Book of Celtic Wisdom, John O’Donohue
  • The Morrigan, Courtney Weber
  • The Celtic Golden Dawn, John Michael Greer
  • Benedictus, A Book of Blessings, John O’ Donohue

About Matthew

Matthew McRoberts (baptised Máta Áltheséir Mac Connachíe) is a native of Belfast, Northern Ireland. Born to American parents, he first came to the United States at age nine. He spent his first two years in Brooklyn, New York, and then moved with his family to Minnesota where he would spend his remaining teenage years. After a deployment with the US Army in Afghanistan, he spent time travelling the world, seeing much of South America, North Africa, Western and Southern Europe, and portions of the Middle East. Three years ago, he came to Colorado (on a greyhound) to start a new life on the front range. He's been attending Naropa University for his first Bachelor's degree since.

In his adult life, much of his education, training, and spiritual focus has bounced back and forth between multiple traditions. In the last year since winning a lifelong battle with substance abuse and alcoholism, he has shifted his focus onto a subject that has long been dear to his heart, and never far from his mind, Celtic (specifically, Irish) Spirituality. Both Christianity and Paganism. He is an ordained Druid, and additionally holds ordination with two other traditions, a Celtic Christian, and Grail Bloodline tradition.

Dec 04, 201938:39
Part 2: Living A Reconciled Life: Aligning your Feelings and Actions with the Story you Tell About Your Life, a guided process with Andrea Ciafardini

Part 2: Living A Reconciled Life: Aligning your Feelings and Actions with the Story you Tell About Your Life, a guided process with Andrea Ciafardini

In Part 2 Andrea guides us through a powerful process that she has created through thousands of hours of teaching meditation, yoga, and in her private practice as an emotional healer. Her process blends features of somatic work, guided meditation, self-expression, and creating a safe space within yourself for your authenticity arise. 

Then taking action to reconcile your inner and your outer life.

I share my own story of using this process to break-off my engagement in my late twenties. It was one of the most powerful and self-defining experiences of my life. I took a stand for myself in an incredibly powerful way using this process. It changed my whole life trajectory and vastly shifted the narrative I was carrying about my life and who I needed to be.

I recommend listening to Part I first, to get some context for this practice and so that you develop your own report with Andrea, but it is not necessary.

The breakdown of the process she shares:

  • Create the intention of holding a safe space
  • Mind dump, allow yourself to verbalize or journal all that your mind wants to express
  • Allow yourself to feel empty enough to let your authenticity arise
  • Body Scan, move through your body and hold your hands on your body in the places where there are constrictions or spots that are calling for your attention
  • Listen for the story that is coming up
  • Take a reconciling action if it comes to you
  • When we know what we feel we can decide what to do with the story, to give it a death, to release it and move on or feel the aliveness that exists within the story

For further support you can download Andrea’s offering that’s called “After the Exhale” at (scroll down to the bottom of the Home page)

Nov 27, 201920:55
Part 1: After the Exhale, Learning to Be Gentle with Ourselves in Transition, with Andrea Ciafardini

Part 1: After the Exhale, Learning to Be Gentle with Ourselves in Transition, with Andrea Ciafardini

Andrea and I have a beautiful conversation about listening deeply so that we can be in the midst of the great transitions and transformations of our lives with more gentleness, tenderness, and joy. Listening to her is like a meditation in itself.

We talk about letting go of perfectionism and control and surrendering into the tenderness and aliveness of truly living.

I feel privileged to get to share Andrea’s perspective with you because she was the first healer I ever knew, and she helped lay the foundations for some of the most radical transformations and blessings of my life.

I also share the story of my own healing journey through my debilitating anxiety during graduate school. How I found yoga and emotional healing to help me start releasing the trauma I was carrying in my body.  I had been to about every kind of therapist there is to help with my anxiety and I was on a high dose of medication when Andrea introduced me to Eastern somatic practices and the mind, body, spirit connection through Kundalini yoga. This practice ended up being crucial in accessing the trauma I was holding in my body that was causing the anxiety.

Andrea is a teacher, meditation guide, and energy healer. She is also a spiritual sherpa, helping light the path for the journeyers who are sometimes only a few steps behind her. Andrea has dedicated her life serving people on the journey to live with the full strength of their soul.

We also speak about how to blend western ideas of loving your neighbor and creating community, with eastern somatic and meditation practices to create truly whole sense of being.

More About Andrea Ciafardini in her own words.... 

"I am a Peace Ambassador for transformation of inner-landscapes of both women and men. I pair ancient practices with modern day experience.

As the founder of Holistic Connections, Inc., I have designed and taught healing workshops on forgiveness, emotional health, and all
aspects of Kundalini Yoga. I also love working one-on-one with individuals who are looking to grow and transform. My most recent teaching is with the team of 
Designing Your Life for Women workshop.; a process designed by Stanford University on "How to Live a Joy Filled Life." Check it out.

My trainings include: Level I Kundalini Yoga & Meditation,  Level II Yoga of Authentic Relationships, Mind & Meditation, Stress and Vitality. Somatic Experiencing, the Enneagram of the Narrative Tradition, and Advanced levels of the Emotional Polarity Technique.  I also have a certificate from Antioch University Women & Leadership Program."


*For further support or to connect with Andrea you can download Andrea’s offering that’s called “After the Exhale” at (scroll down to the bottom of the Home page)

Nov 16, 201928:04
 The Mystical Path & How it Calls Us into Action: The Dance of the Visionary Leader, with Shannon Thompson

The Mystical Path & How it Calls Us into Action: The Dance of the Visionary Leader, with Shannon Thompson

Mystic, Innovator, and Founder of Shakti Rising, a feminine social change movement. Shannon Thompson reflects on what leadership looks in an emerging-paradigm organization. She shares some of the profound wisdom that she's gained through the 20 year experiment of Shakti Rising, and reflects on her changing role as a leader on the organization’s 20 year anniversary. Her message encourages us to have faith, work together, and persist in the voice of our soul.  

Together we speak about: 

  • The path of devotional service 
  • Connecting to the heart and soul of the world 
  • The role of faith in true social change 
  • Systemic trauma, social inequity, and its effect on addiction and the recovery movement 
  • Wilderness rites of passage for being an awake soul in the world -What it means to start with a dream 

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” - Joel A. Barker 

---- If you'd like to connect with Shakti Rising, you can find them online at  

  • To check out the Sovereign Remedies course go Here:
  • For inquiries about their Trauma and Recovery programs, email  
  • For info about classes and circles, contact 
  • For leadership development and coaching, contact

About Shannon Thompson:


Shannon is a truth-teller, life-long learner, organizational consultant and leadership coach pulling from her certifications as a yoga instructor, massage therapist, flower essence practitioner, ordained minister; and training in herbalism, nutrition, energy psychology, aromatherapy and expressive arts therapy.  She lives life with a juicy, fierce, tender fiery passion. Her superpowers are loving the unloveable, and using her powers for Good. Shakti Rising is her destiny, her dharma and her daily choice.

Sep 24, 201948:13
12 Transcending Religion: Three Women’s Journeys to Broaden their Faith

12 Transcending Religion: Three Women’s Journeys to Broaden their Faith

In today’s episode we track the transformational events that caused us to question the religion of our childhood. Three perspectives from three very different women about broadening their faith. Out of a sense of injustice toward greater inclusion and more distinctly feminine expressions of faith.

Aelah Skye -  From the Evangelical church back to the Episcopal church of her youth, Aelah has found that the presences of Christ’s loving energy has endured with her, even outside of Christianity. She explores her journey serving as a minister in an inter-faith context, as well as moving beyond the religious paradigm into yoga and emotional healing. 

Toni Gripper - The daughter of sharecroppers in South Carolina, Toni got angry and curious about the unfairness of how women were being treated and taken advantage of in her Baptist church. She went on her own exploration of faith across the country and through many religious traditions to find a faith community that felt like LOVE to her.

Rev. Kate Roger -  From an Irish Catholic family in the South, Kate learned early on that despite being called to the ministry, she wouldn’t be allowed to serve as a priest in the church of her youth. Her journey led her in and out of churches and faith expressions, finally becoming an ordained Reverend through the Agape fellowship, and initiating a community based on the wisdom of the feminine.

This is a joint podcast that will also be aired on She Spotlight, a podcast that's "committed to serving the evolutionary impulse of an emerging paradigm where the feminine and the masculine operate in concert, where both are respected, honored, and utilized in establishing a world that works for everyone."

About Toni and Rev. Kate...

Toni Gripper has always been a seeker, traveler, and avid reader. As a Marketing Consultant, past employers are global industry leaders in software and financial services. Now she’s seeking ways to change “what is” to “what can be” in the areas of affordable healthcare, voting rights, social and racial justice. Toni is a co-host and producer for SHE Spotlight podcast. You can reach her at

Kate Rodger, Ph.D., is the founder of the contemporary mystery school, Institute of Modern Wisdom, a 501c3 foundation and is an ordained reverend with Agape Internat'l. She's the visionary behind the Modern Day Priestess movement, ignited in 2002. She lives to touch people's hearts and is an advocate for listening - deeply. Kate fiercely believes that every person is necessary, that we can all get along and thrive in our uniqueness. She can be reached at

Sep 03, 201935:01
Sunday Sermon: The Feminine Soul of Church, with Rev. Rachel Bush

Sunday Sermon: The Feminine Soul of Church, with Rev. Rachel Bush

In today’s episode we have an authentically feminine theological conversation.

I speak with Rev. Rachel Bush, a dear old friend of mine. We’ve travelled very similar paths through becoming ordained in the christian church, and exploring alternative ways of leading outside the church by creating healing spaces in our communities. We look at what it has been like to be a woman, mother, feminist, and minister, and how we are being asked to contribute our authentic voices and experiences to the theological conversation right now.

We ask... how is form, flow, and the actual structure of how we gather in communities essentially creating our belief systems?  Can we bring the feminine soul into the old masculine forms? 

We explore the beauty of the third way of integration. We ask what authentically feminine expressions might look like? For instance connection between people, with the body, and with nature. 

We welcome your feedback, as this is meant to be an interactive sermon. Please leave your messages here:

If you feel called to donate to this  movement, we invite your support here: 

About Rachel Bush

In 2013, Rachel created The Restorative Practice. Her practice is influenced by the principles and tools of Nonviolent Communication Empathy, Solution Focused Care, The Enneagram, Vibrational Medicine, Energy Medicine, spiritual formation principles and other forms of holistic care. Rachel, is theologically trained and ordained by the Reformed Church in America. In 2010, she completed a Masters of Divinity with a focus in Pastoral Care at Western Seminary in Holland, MI. 

In 2017, Rachel began teaching courses on various elements of Energy Restoration Therapy for existing practitioners of other modalities. She has a core commitment sharing information around healing, formation, and transformation, and is guided by the principle that humans are built for healing and so we already possess everything we need to begin that process and flourish. You can find her here:

Aug 25, 201942:40
11 The Journey of a Transgender Man, Shaman & Sound Healer, Caleb Armstrong
Aug 15, 201943:38
10 Re-Harmonizing Our Earth with the Power of Your Voice, with Lotus Sky

10 Re-Harmonizing Our Earth with the Power of Your Voice, with Lotus Sky

Lotus Sky is a Musical Channel & Shamanic Guide, she creates music and soul sounds to open us to the power of our self-expression and our unique voice. In this episode, we have a cosmic conversation about how our unique sound signature has the power to heal and harmonize us within ourselves and with the world around us. Ultimately, finding & speaking our authentic voice opens the door for us to be who we really are.

Lotus Sky shares her personal journey through coming out as a queer, immigrant woman from the Philippines - which for her meant estrangement from her conservative Catholic family, getting married and divorced in her early twenties, and leaving a lucrative job as a technologist. At one point, she had it all in terms of worldly success, and decided to follow her soul into the path of being true to herself. She now creates channelled music for healing, bringing forward her “canta ultima” - her heart’s true song and serving others in doing the same. Along the path she learned that the world isn’t a cold, hard place, she’s found a home within herself, and the support of her soul tribe. 

Towards the end of our conversation, Lotus Sky shares a beautiful and special sound channeling just for this community. The channeling is to reconnect you with mother earth, to awaken to the beauty that you are, and to usher in the new world by releasing negative projections and seeing the good. 

Lotus' before picture

Lotus' after picture

You can find her music, and other offerings, at


About Lotus:

Lotus Sky is a musical channel and shamanic guide, born and raised in the Philippines and hailing from the coastal city of Ventura, California.  Through her study with different shamanic lineages, training in multiple healing and transformational modalities, as well as connecting to her star and earth guides to channel Light Language, Lotus Sky has made it her purpose to re-harmonize the world through sound, and bring us in deep remembrance of our Divine Heritage. Her voice brings profound healing, and her musical offerings are truly transmissions from beyond the veil. Lotus Sky combines Vocal Alchemy, Transformational Training, and Shamanic Practices to help others heal, reclaim and celebrate themselves, and live a life that is truly Authentic, Powerful and reverent to our Divine Nature.

Aug 08, 201943:34
BONUS: Creation Meditation
Jul 23, 201919:08
09 Speaking Your Truth as Emotional Alchemy, with Vanessa Smith
Jul 03, 201938:34
08 Ayurveda, Aromas, & Emotional Health, with Maria Carbonell
Jun 27, 201952:11
07 Using Pendulums for Self-Healing, with Dr. Erich Hunter
Jun 19, 201937:27
06 Hormones, Digestion, & Emotional Health, with Dr. Nancy Crowell

06 Hormones, Digestion, & Emotional Health, with Dr. Nancy Crowell

This week on This Emotional Planet we look at how hormones and gut health affect our emotions.  Making sure that your bodily systems are in balance, and most importantly that you’re learning how to communicate with your body, is vital to sustained emotional wellness. 

Dr. Nancy Crowell is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine who blends both Functional Medicine from the western world with Oriental Medicine and the 5 elements from the east. She looks at how emotions, gut health, stealth infection, and hormones work together to create imbalances in the body, and how we can work with our emotions to rebalance the body. 

“We cannot heal in a contraction, as soon as you soften around your condition, that is when the healing is allowed to happen.” - Dr. Nancy Crowell 

The great wisdom of Chinese Medicine is that it looks at patterns and resonance in healing, and how we can work with our body shift our conditions. This episode will help shed particular light on conditions like...

  • Skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, eczema
  • Hypothyroidism and Thyroid disorders
  • Immune System Disregulation
  • Hormonal Imbalances

The intensity of many conditions she’s seeing come from the toxicity on our planet today. Finding greater diversity in what we eat and learning how our systems work together are the starting place for rebuilding our health. 

You can find Nancy’s free gift to listeners, which is A Quick Guide to Eating with the Elements, on her website at


The Healing Emotional Blocks course with Aelah can be found at 

Jun 14, 201947:24
05 Curious About Colonics? Let that crap go! with Lissa McGraw

05 Curious About Colonics? Let that crap go! with Lissa McGraw

Lissa McGraw is a Colon Hydrotherapist who holds incredible presence as she supports people in literally releasing the crap that is stuck inside.  It was not soon after she started her Colon Hydrotherapy practice that she got to see how interlaced our gut health is with our emotional health. She has innovated new ways of brining vibrational and sound healing into the colonic experience, with amazing results for clearing parasites, liver and gall stones, and very old waste that is stuck in our intestines.  

Join me as we speak about the ways that your gut health can accelerate your emotional healing process. How this practice can help you live more deeply embodied by claiming the "unknown" parts of yourself that may reside in your guts, give you the strength to embrace what you still might need to let go of, and be in deeper connection with your body. 

I so enjoyed connecting with her, she has a beautiful spirit that shines through her work! 

Lissa is generously offering a Free Ionic Footbath with any purchase of a colonic by mentioning this podcast. You can check out her spa in Ventura, California here: 

Lissa's Bio:

Lissa McGraw is the proud and blessed owner of Espirit Colon Hydrotherapy and Wellness Center.  Espirit began as a means for Lissa to heal herself after years of misery from digestive issues that compromised her joy for life.  Through dietary changes, eliminating certain life stressors and incorporating colon therapy into her monthly regime, she can now share with others what she learned through her own journey to health. Lissa has a great deal of compassion for those dealing with constipation, hemorrhoids, gas, bloating, cellulite, headaches and other digestive disorders.  Having dealt with many of these same issues herself, she has helped those clients that have found their way to Espirit.  Lissa is an IACT certified colon hydrotherapist, bioelectric lymphatic drainage therapist, certified in administering additives (with a doctor prescription), trained in aromatherapy, a Reiki master, and a Vibrational Sound therapist.  


The Healing Emotional Blocks course with Aelah can be found at 

Jun 07, 201952:57
04 Pet Connections: Emotional Healing with Pets, with Beth Osmer

04 Pet Connections: Emotional Healing with Pets, with Beth Osmer

I love this topic! So many of us our communicating with our pets intuitively and emotionally all the time, but would like more tools to know what is actually going on with them. 

Beth Osmer is a shaman and energy healer for pets. In our conversation we speak about some easy ways to stay in touch with our pets and help them heal when they need our support.  We also talk about…. 

  • Clearing and healing emotions in pets and how it can change “bad” behaviors
  • End of life transitions with pets, and how she communicates with them
  • Cats and stress, what their behavior shows you about your environment
  • Dogs in service to us, how they are prone to take on our emotions, and what we can do to help
  • The role of being a caretaker or guardian for your pet, what you can do to be in right relationship

… and a bonus shamanic journey she did with me and my puppy at the end!

Beth is very generously offering a Free 30 Minute Intuitive Pet Reading at her website, which you can find at


Beth's Bio:

I had a rough start coming into this life, and growing up wasn't easy. It was while healing from my past that I found my passion for helping others through their healing process which helped me find a deep strength inside myself. My love for people, their emotions, and their stories lead me to get a bachelor’s degree in Child Development and Psychology and become a certified Hypnotherapist through the Professional Board of Hypnotherapy. I have expert training in Shamanism, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Buddhism, and Transpersonal Psychology. I am dedicated and passionate about helping others and I am always honored to help guide through your path. *Here's the link to Beth's Free 30-Minute Intuitive Pet Reading:


The Healing Emotional Blocks course with Aelah can be found at 

May 30, 201949:30
03 Healing Trauma through Your DNA, with Acurda

03 Healing Trauma through Your DNA, with Acurda

Acurda Melchizedek is a DNA Architect who has studied spiritual systems for over 20 years, including 7 years in shamanic and indigenous communities, a Peruvian Ayahuasca community, as well as yogic studies in the Himalayas, and other paths that led her to the understanding of the DNA double helix (snake) as a recurring theme through these many lineages. She has combined this intelligence into a system for using sacred geometry, intuition, and light to re-code the human genome. 

 Acurda and I talk about: 

  • How to access, clear, and re-write the stories that no longer serve us. 
  • What they call “junk DNA” is actually human genetic memories and archetypes. 
  • Sacred geometry as a healing structures of light. 
  • How in this parasitic culture, where people are grabbing for energy and attention, we can become the source of our own energy  
  • What kind of genetic memories do we want to leave behind for future generations? 
  • How the frequencies we chose either create dissonance from past trauma or resonance with our wholeness 

How we empower people to be their own healer  This is groundbreaking work and I’m happy to be one of the people on the planet talking about it right now. Creating exposure for this combination of science and spirituality, filling in the gaps of physics and esoteric spirituality to create a more complete understanding of who we are. As energy, as human beings, and our potential to create from our own source of light within ourselves. 

 I hope you enjoy listening to this conversation as much as we enjoyed having it! 

Acurda’s free gift to you is an Ancestral Activation, which you can find on her website


The Healing Emotional Blocks course with Aelah can be found at 

May 29, 201949:47
BONUS: About This Emotional Planet + Q&A with listeners
May 15, 201944:50
02 How Emotions Get Stuck in Your Body, with Lisa West

02 How Emotions Get Stuck in Your Body, with Lisa West

How Unexpressed Emotions Get Stuck in the Body, Lisa West  (

In this Episode I Interview my friend and colleague Lisa West.  It's a wide ranging conversation from a woman who has immense wisdom on the intelligence of the body, and has helped thousands of people recover from chronic pain, having worked for over 20 years in the field.  It was a delight to speak with her, here's some of what we covered:

  • How pain and emotions are related, and what I do to help people release chronic pain
  • How to work with the stories of our emotions, as well as the physical side of the release to relax and let go of anxiety 
  • The importance of working with your nervous system to relax and allow yourself to just be, in a culture that is telling us the exact opposite

You can find out more about Lisa at  She's also offering a free chapter of her book, as well as a free grounding meditation as a gift to you. 

Lisa West's Bio:

I have spent most of my adult life exploring and learning many different ways to address physical, energetic and emotional pain. My largest interest lies in the relationship between the physical & energetic bodies and how the mind, body & spirit intertwine. And I enjoy writing about what I find.

I grew up in the Midwest and received my bachelor's degree in physical therapy from Saint Louis University in 1995. I began to practice yoga shortly after that, and began teaching yoga in 2000. My physical therapy and bodywork career has been focused on orthopedic injuries with special interest and attention to the fascial system, the spine and chronic pain. 

I have taken a multitude of continuing education courses in various forms of manual therapy, including John Barnes Myofascial Release, Upledger Craniosacral Therapy and Certification in Lymphedema treatment along with many techniques in Joint Mobilization, Muscle Energy Techniques and Soft Tissue Mobilization. I currently live in Ventura, California.

In my free time I love reading, being in nature, spending time with my favorite people and my cats, and learning as much as I can about this wild and magical place we live in and our amazing bodies that carry us through it!


The Healing Emotional Blocks course with Aelah can be found at 

May 15, 201937:50
01 Creativity, Emotions & Love, with Aaron Glassman

01 Creativity, Emotions & Love, with Aaron Glassman

Aaron and I speak about how the heart center is the central source of our power. 

  • That the energy we access here is our creative intelligence. 
  • The difference between creating and manifesting, and how science is proving this. 
  • How emotions, art, love, and science are all One.  
  • Why we feel vulnerability hangovers sometimes. 
  • The antidote to hiding, instead finding your community and creating real boundaries.  
  • The power of connection to overcome depression and non-expression.

How to connect with Aaron:

Aaron is offering a free 14 day journey through the science of love, which can be found on his website He also hosts live and online events on the topics of soulful entrepreneurship, the truth of love, and heart-centered relationships. You can find his upcoming events here:


Over the past 20 years Aaron has founded several companies that he refers to as SOLE-centered, purpose-driven entrepreneurial adventures. Aaron has enjoyed speaking on stage and holding council with some of the top spiritual leaders in the world including Marianne Williamson, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Michael Beckwith. Aaron believes we already have the solutions to the problems we face today- we just need to empower more individuals to step up and own their leadership. 

May 15, 201941:18
Episode 00 - Trailer

Episode 00 - Trailer

In this Trailer you’ll hear about what this series has to offer you
Apr 24, 201900:12